Monday, December 26, 2011


Thank you tuning in this year,
I really appreciate it, This is the time of year when all my clients are busy with holiday plans and it gives me a nice minute to air out, recoup, unwind, reflect, access, and see if "the plan" is on track.

This past 5 days, minus christmas, I have been remodeling the work pace/living area including re-carpeting, painting ceilings, the whole deal (you are welcome to help, ha), and removing all distractions getting ready to crush in 2012. I am proud to say I independently with no advertising completed 144 projects in 2011, more the second half, which is my excuse for letting this blogspot die.
I am probably going to be posting more of my projects / work on my official website not too sure what to do with this site. I will think about it.



Monday, December 5, 2011

Patrice O'neal

I did not know or ever meet this man, But I miss him a whole lot,
I seen this on @marcmarons twitter this morning and teared up a bit!