Took a trip out to the Primitive Demo this saturday" Nigel stays getting footage!Mr. check out team Woods!! Daughter father photo team putting in work, (He shot the super contriversial Erika Badu vid where she strips down to nothing, and I heard he just spent 3 weeks with Raekwon shooting a music video or doc?) That sounds fun, Much respect! Check out the vintage skate memorabilia throughout the skatelab@Boquamehdi and @betascanners are not into getting their photos taken, stay tuned for more!!
I even saw "Bsombin" waliking around fingerboard session with Weston Correa, (Him and Jeron Wilson were def the home town heros of my day).
This Was a good Idea, getting some of the design worlds heavy hitters do their take on the alphabet, Below is my fav print out of all of them, The "E" by Caryn Aono, Art Director/Type Gangsta at Cal Arts.
Excuse the blurry photos, Forgot to get a press pass and they had a healthy sized team of "exuse me sir no photos" staff stratigicaly placed near each wall,
Without further ado, Here is the first post from The Opening night of "Street Cred in Pasadena California. here is a photo of Mr.Siner lts. This man has been a major influence to me and many of my peers over a decade. I love how he showed some of his sign making and lettering skills as well. Big ups!